RBAP National Symposium
- January 4, 2024
Rang-ay Bank, a stalwart in the Philippine banking industry, was again recognized at the Rural Bankers Association of the Philippines (RBAP) 66th Charter Anniversary Symposium held at the Rizal Park Hotel in Manila on November 22 and 23, 2023. Rang-ay Bank Chairman Ives Q. Nisce and President & CEO Ives Jesus Nisce II, represented the bank showcasing their commitment to excellence and innovation in countryside banking.
Rang-ay Bank was awarded for the highest number of participants in training programs. This recognition is a testament to the bank’s dedication to continuous learning and professional development within its ranks.
In addition to this accolade Rang-ay Bank was also honored as the institution with the most frequent participation in training programs. This recognition underscores the bank’s proactive approach to staying abreast of industry trends, regulatory changes, and technological advancements.
The recognition received by Rang-ay Bank at the RBAP 66th Charter Anniversary Symposium serves as a testament to the bank’s commitment to excellence, innovation and continuous improvement.