Real Estate Properties for Sale
The real estate properties in the areas below are available for sale through Rang-ay Bank. All properties are subject to availability.
For further inquireies, please contact us:
Rowena Rosales, Kaye Ann Culbengan or Krizza Estrada
Tel. No (072) 242-5661 to 63 local 303 or mobile number 0915-204-2978, 0917-329-4802 or
email us at
La Union
Ilocos Norte
Ilocos Sur
DISCLAIMER: Valuation of Properties are subject to general economic conditions and setting. Therefore, prevailing Selling Price is not restrictive, conclusive and obligatory upon the management. PRICES MAY BE CHANGED AT ANY TIME WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. Any BID presented and accepted for processing is still subject to the FINAL APPROVAL of the Board of Directors of Rang-ay Bank.