This loan program will cater mainly to small farmers. It aims to extend financial support to small farmers engaged in palay and other food crops/commodities production.
Eligible Borrowers
A. Small farmers engaged in food crops/commodities production as follows:
Small Crop Owner > owner – cultivator, tenants or lease holders who is tilling not more than five (5) hectares of agricultural land.
Small Poultry and Livestock Raisers > having the following maximum hog, poultry and livestock inventory:
* Poultry – 2,000 poultry layers or 5,000 broilers
* Swine – 10 sow level or 50 fatteners
* Cattle – 10 fatteners or 5 breeders
* Dairy – 10 milking cows
* Goat – 50 heads
B. Not more than 64 years old during time of application.
Specific Purpose of Loan
The specific purpose of this credit program is to finance palay and other food crops/commodities production. Livestock and fishery projects are also qualified.
Term Loan
Maximum term of one (1) year depending on project.
Residence Certificates of all signatories;
2×2 latest ID Picture of Principal Borrowers;
Picture of Residential House (inside & outside shots);
Picture of project;
Site map of project;
Two (2) Valid ID’s: Voters ID, Billings, Brgy. Clearance, Birth Certificate;
Current year community tax certificate.
Must have at least two (2) co-makers who are gainfully employed.